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Wesley Clark calls for internment camp for 'disloyal' Americans and 'radicals'

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More news: http://www.policestateusa.com/2015/wesley-cla rk-internment-camps/

In a stunning interview, General Wesley Clark (U.S. Army, Retired) called for the revival of military internment camps in the United States as a solution for peace and security for the duration of the “War on Terror.”

The interview took place on MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts Show. Gen. Clark related the current conflict to World War 2, and said that the U.S. Government should work to determine which citizens might be “likely to be radicalized,” and detain them before they have the opportunity to act. Clark’s disturbing proposal even included using unemployment and relationship break-ups as an indicator of radicalization potential.

FAIR USE / SOURCE: MSNBC, Thomas Roberts show

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  • HumanrightFORlegislation (Born as lawmaker) Gesperrt Eingetragen Diese Militärköpfe(Sen Mccain, Wesley Clark = Hochrangige Parteiführer uva) haben ständig " war (Krieg)" im Hirn, wie man sieht oder hört.