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THE LOOK: Kamala Harris & Dems NOT HAPPY while Trump talks about illegal immigrants

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172 Aufrufe


President Trump will deliver an “optimistic, inspirational, forward-looking” State of the Union address on the eve of the Senate\'s final impeachment vote, according to presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway, who quipped that “success is the best revenge.”

In an exclusive phone interview with Fox News from Des Moines, Iowa, on Sunday, Conway previewed the president’s State of the Union by touting the administration’s efforts over the last year, and teasing that many of his statements will end with the word “winning.” #SOTU

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  • Tagobert Gesperrt Eingetragen Bei der Nancy Pelosi habe ich stets den Eindruck, dass sie insgeheim auf Trump steht.
    Nicht nur als Präsident .... ☺