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Boeing Warns Major Airlines Could Fail, 200 USDA Meat Plant Inspectors Confirmed, More In Isolation

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Eingetragen von Detlev in User Videos
170 Aufrufe


Boeing is warning the airline industry will not return to normal for several more years and the CEO has warned we may soon major airlines could fail due to these uncertain times. Boeing itself has been dealing with a rush of canceled orders and yet investors lined up to partake it their recent bond sale. More troubles have arisen for the US meat supply and it's not just the workers at the meat plants but the USDA food inspectors have begun to be impacted by the same issues that have been closing down these plants. The Prime act is not really getting any attention either as the US meat supply continues to come under pressure. Strange that at a time when a large portion of the US meat-producing capacity has been shut down due to a lack of workers that exports of pork have been rising near record highs. This is truly a time of trouble that could reshape the world as hunger is not something common for the United States and yet it still approaches. The families of the workers from the meat plants also have been gathering to contest the working conditions at these cramped places. Originally they were closed due to so many workers becoming ill and they have been opened by order but that doesn't mean things are back to normal and the funny thing is people believe things for the entire economy will be right as rain but I anticipate we will be seeing a similar story in many other industries soon.


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  • Tagobert Gesperrt Eingetragen Ich verstehe nicht alles, mein Englisch ist nicht so gut, aber ich denke, dass das Fliegen für normale Passagiere noch sehr lange eingeschränkt bleibt.
    Die Flughäfen, wenn überhaupt werden zunächst für den Warenverkehr geöffnet werden.
    Ist auch rentabler.