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FLAT EARTH - John Lennon and the Truth behind the Beatles - John Knew About Flat Earth


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John Lennon Knew Something. And He Got Killed like many others who tried to spill it out.

More on Flat Earth

ADELE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5LdXLyDo1g

AC DC -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PMkOIfVVkA

B ruce Lee - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgqLdkdKYQ0

Ne w Continent Found - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_09XyR5UM0

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Jo hn Lennon Flat Earth - This video shows you how John Lennon could be a member of the flat earth society. Enjoy John Lennon And Flat Earth.

Music: Classic Horror 1 by Kevin Macleod / Juicy by Albis

Kevin's website: http://www.incompetech.com

All videos uploaded here are under the express permission of the original owner, or are in public domain falling under Fair Use for commentary, research, news reporting purposes under current copyright rules.

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