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Satan's Law of Inversion and the Flat Earth...

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Our inverted upside-down world...

The Aleister Crowley quote can be found on page 394 of this pdf version of his book:

http://files.vsociety.net/data/library/S ection%201%20(A,G,M,S,Z)/Crowley,%20Alester/U nknown%20Album/Book%20Four%20(Liber%20ABA).pd f

The Bill Cooper quote was paraphrased from his \'Hour of the Time\' broadcast number 404. All of these broadcasts are available for download free from the \'Hour of the Time\' website:

http://www.hourofthetime.com/wordpres stest/

Please note: New Horizons does not endorse, or necessarily agree with, the content or views expressed in this video production. We do however, encourage people involved with the New Horizons group to express themselves and their art in any way they deem fit.

New Horizons believes in Free Expression, speech and ideas... and will always seek to encourage that ethos.


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