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14 Million Americans will freeze. Buffalo in New York suffers from snow storm

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14 Million Americans will freeze. Buffalo in New York suffers from snow storm

Weather experts have indicated that western Seneca, Orchard Park and other areas south of Buffalo are expected to accumulate up to a foot or more of snow, as a band of lake-effect snow begins to travel back south during Monday evening trip.

Both the city and town of Orchard Park have issued travel advisories for drivers in their areas. Likewise, they indicated that if you are driving in the snow, you should be exercising your winter driving skills, that means you should slow down and leave plenty of space between you and the vehicles in front of you and exercise caution.

In addition, meteorologists indicated that lake effect snow is hitting from Ohio to western New York, so Cleveland schools are closed due to the weather. Lake effect snow warnings and winter weather advisories are in effect in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York Tuesday morning as heavy snow hits the region.

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  • Tagobert Gesperrt Eingetragen Das ist schon schlimm. Nicht nur viele Tiere erfrieren, verhungern, sondern auch viele Menschen bekommen heftige Probleme.
    Heizungen frieren ein. Straßen sind nicht befahrbar. Zur Arbeit fahren ist unmöglich.
    Einkaufen auch. Wohl dem, der vorgesorgt hat. New York ist allerdings nicht für seine Prepper-Szene bekannt.